Camping at Brazos Bend with the ward

The preparation:


Note: none of this would have ended up loaded crammed into our tiny car if it weren’t for my wonderful brother Cole, who just happened to stop by in time to answer a prayer.

The people: A bunch of families from our ward. We had a blast!

The venue: Brazos Bend State Park. It was an awesome, beautiful place.






We’re not the only ones who like it there. Apparently Brazos Bend is home to like over 600 alligators or something like that (I think I maybe just made that number up). We went alligator viewing in the morning not expecting to see much, but we were surprised. Check it:



Crazy, huh? We saw like 8 alligators, many of them closer than this one. There was a pier to walk out on, and one alligator swam right underneath us. I decided glimpsing an alligator is the closest look I’ll get at what a dinosaur might have looked like (sorry, Jurassic Park).



All in all, it was a great camping trip. I hope we get to go back someday!

Oh, and when we came back, we (especially Carson) had alligators on the brain:




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