Tag Archives: Vacations

Meet Annelise

Wow, it’s been a while…but we’re still here, we promise! Well, actually, by “here” I don’t mean in Denver…because we moved to Houston! The last few months have been filled with some pretty big life changes, but lots and lots of great memories and happy moments. But the biggest and happiest of all has been the arrival of our new baby girl. Because nothing else that’s happened is as important or wonderful as this, let’s just skip all the other events for now and focus on her. :)

Meet Annelise Lyman, born Friday, April 5 at 2:53 PM. She’s 7 lbs, 4 oz, 20 inches long, and simply perfect:

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Annelise is wonderful. She’s a calm, alert, peaceful baby who sleeps and eats well (but not to say that she doesn’t have a problem letting us know if she’s upset :)). And she’s fitting right into our family. There’s something so amazing and special and miraculous about welcoming a new child into the world, and into a home. It’s hard to express, but all I can say is that it only gets more wonderful the second time around. Harder, yes, in lots of ways. But easier in others. But maybe all of that is part of what makes it so wonderful. This past week, since she’s come, Josh has been home off work the whole time, and it’s been such a wonderful, family-focused week. Carson is doing really well with Annelise and is already asking to hold her. He likes to “pet” her hair and point out her fingers and toes. Once she was flailing her hands around, the way newborns new, and bopped him on the nose. He thought that was hilarious and kept trying to get her to do it again.

And Annelise is doing really well with Carson. :) So far no accidental injuries (though I feel like we’ve come close: “Watch her head! Don’t poke her eyes! Be soft!”). And Annelise loves to look at Carson, just like she likes to look at all of us.

So that’s our little family of four lately! I’ll try to catch you up on all the other huge life changes, too. Eventually. :)

Visit from Paige’s parents

Several weeks ago, my mom and dad came for a quick visit on their way to Utah. It was great! Too short, but still so fun to see my parents and get to spend time with them. Here’s a big photo dump of a bunch of pictures my mom took (except for the one of my mom and Carson: I took that one, and I’m pretty proud because I don’t know how to use her or Josh’s fancy cameras at all and usually the pictures I take end up blurry). We tried to have a mini photo shoot with Carson, who more or less cooperated…sort of…

Mom and Dad, Josh and I loved seeing you and talking with you, and Carson loved playing with grandma and grandpa! Hope everyone enjoys the pictures.

Just a normal trip to the park

Just a normal trip to the little park around the corner from our house. Carson and I go there fairly often. Usually his first favorite thing to do is collect some wood chips, sometimes in a little pile on the slide:

He’s also a fan of the bouncy horse, though sometimes just standing by it and jiggling it is exciting enough:

Then of course there’s the slide. This particular day, we were at the park when Josh drove by on his way home from work, so Josh got out to play, too. Carson loved that because he got to have Daddy help him down the slide:

Utah trip

A little bit ago Josh, Carson, and I went to Provo for a visit. It was a short trip: Josh was just going to recruit promising BYU students to work for his company, and Carson and I tagged along. Josh stayed pretty busy for most of it, but we had a little bit of time to spend together as a family. And while Josh was busy collecting resumes and giving info sessions, Carson and I stayed busy and had fun, too: ice cream at the Creamery, walking around BYU, the bookstore…all the great BYU stops. And the best part of course was seeing all our family in Provo: Caleb, Sam, Audrey, Brenn, we loved loved loved seeing you again and miss you guys like crazy! And as a special treat, my Dad was also in Provo! Small world, huh? The last night we were there, we all (including Caleb and Sam, but minus Josh, who had recruiting events) went out to eat to celebrate Audrey’s birthday. So much fun!

A quick note about pictures: I’m realizing lately that we’re pretty bad nowadays about taking pictures of anything (including ourselves) besides Carson. But can you blame me? So…enjoy pictures of mostly Carson! I’m going to try to be more inclusive of other people in our photos, too…