Tag Archives: restaurants

Catch-up post: Our 4th Anniversary

Our 4th anniversary (celebrated last December) was wonderful. We left Carson with Grandma and Grandpa Lyman overnight (his first overnight! It was about time. He did great – and so did we). Then Josh and I headed to Colorado Springs and had a wonderful getaway together. The highlight was eating at a very very fancy fondue restaurant (fancier – and more expensive – than either of us had ever done, but we felt it was very worth it). The food was deeeelicious. A four-course fondue/raclette meal. Yes, the food was delicious, but of course the real highlight of the trip was being able to get away and spend time with each other. Do we really have to wait until December for our next anniversary?

Welcome, Melanie!

This week is Women’s Conference at BYU, which means we get to enjoy a visit from my (Paige’s) mom! Tonight Mom took us and my sister Brenn to dinner and then we got to chat and catch up for a bit. It’s great to see Mom and hear about all the news at home, from funny stories about ward camp outs to news about the kids (Jennie, I didn’t know you love Tangled – me too!)

Thanks for dinner, Mom! We’re excited to spend time with you this week – if your Women’s Conference friends don’t hog you too much. ;-)