Tag Archives: pictures


Lately, we’ve been loving Carson.

And he’s been loving growing into new clothes. (Also, see that hair in the back? It loves to stick up like that. Always.)

And Carson loves baths. Well, we figure he either loves baths or is completely confused by them. Either way, any time we put him in the water, even if he’s fussy, he gets quiet and calm and just stares. But we think he likes them.

And he’s making more and more new sounds; in addition to grunts, now we get squawks and high-pitched coos.

And he makes the cutest faces! We could just stare at the faces he makes all day. Even in his sleep.

And the smiles – oh, the smiles! :)

 Yep, we sure love our Carson!


Carson is wonderful! Josh and I love him so much and we can’t imagine life without him. Of course, he’s the cutest baby we’ve ever seen and we could just stare at the cute faces he makes all day. He’s a really good baby too and doesn’t cry too much (thanks, Carson!). Anyway, what you probably want to see most are pictures, so here we go! (Most pictures courtesy of my mom. It really comes in handy, having a mom who led a former life as a professional photographer. Most photographed grandbaby ever? I think so.)

Lost Pictures

Have you ever found a camera you haven’t emptied the pictures from in forever, and then finally put the pictures on your computer, way after you remembered you had even taken them? Well, I hadn’t…until today! And now it’s like I just found a five dollar bill in my blue jeans! Awesome! So here are some pictures taken foreeeeever ago that I forgot I had:

Here’s some pictures of my awesome brother Cole and sisters Shelby and Jennie at a wildlife park in Texas:

And here’s some pictures of my sisters Brenn and Audrey trying to break into our house the same way Josh and I had to:

And finally, here’s a picture I took forever ago on my very first day of my study abroad program in Alcalá de Henares, Spain!

Yea for being lost and getting found.