Tag Archives: park

Just a normal trip to the park

Just a normal trip to the little park around the corner from our house. Carson and I go there fairly often. Usually his first favorite thing to do is collect some wood chips, sometimes in a little pile on the slide:

He’s also a fan of the bouncy horse, though sometimes just standing by it and jiggling it is exciting enough:

Then of course there’s the slide. This particular day, we were at the park when Josh drove by on his way home from work, so Josh got out to play, too. Carson loved that because he got to have Daddy help him down the slide:

Aurora Reservoir outing

So remember how Carson loves the beach? Unfortunately we’re not anywhere close to a beach, but we are only about 20 minutes from the Aurora Reservoir, a manmade lake thing with, guess what, a manmade beach! Woo hoo! We went up as a family one Saturday back when summer was here and it really was a lot of fun. We brought tinfoil dinners to cook over an outdoor stove (see, we had meant to go camping that weekend, but ran out of time and thought the reservoir would be just as fun), Carson splashed in the water, we chased some geese, we ate delicious food, we played in the park. All in all a great family outing.

Family Comes to Town

Last week we had a real treat: the Lyman family came to visit! We had been planning on a weekend of fun after they visited family north of Salt Lake, but thanks to a snowstorm and a broken headlight on the Lyman family car, we got to see them a few days early! The whole family (Mom, Dad, Christian, Zach, and Luke) rolled in to our house around 12:00 p.m. on Thursday for an emergency sleepover, rather than keep on driving in the bad conditions. It was a blast! It was great to have everyone here and visit and talk. It felt fun to have a house full of family, too. And we felt lucky that we had enough space and just enough blankets to (hopefully) sleep everyone comfortably.

And the rest of the weekend was great, too! We had a great time eating pizza and playing games with the brothers, playing around in the park, going out to dinner and ice cream, and even heading to the Quarry for some rock-climbing! It was the first time Josh had climbed in a while, and he and the boys loved it. And Heather and Paige were daring and conquered a few walls, too (despite Paige’s fear of heights!) Oh, and we had another sleepover on Friday night with just the brothers—Sam joined us, too, and we watched movies and ate popcorn. Oh, yeah, good times.

So it was a great weekend! All the fun activities were a blast, but the best part was just getting to see our family and spend time with them. It feels like it’s been since the wedding/Christmas/reception time since we really got to spend time with the Lymans, and then things were so busy! It was great to have a nice, fun, relaxing weekend, and we’re looking forward to our upcoming visit to Colorado!