Tag Archives: learning

The Silver Lining

I believe the difference between a good day and a bad day, between an awesome experience and an awful one, can all be in the way you look at it. Take our kitchen cabinets, for example. The house we’re renting (as we’ve discussed) is old, less-than-perfect, and quirky. When we first moved in and saw the kitchen cabinets, I thought, “Wow, they’re all white and made of metal. Taa-cky.” But then, one happy day, I was looking at our refrigerator, which is crowded with magnets and wedding announcements and cards from family, and then I looked at our cabinets…back at the refrigerator…back at the cabinets… “Hey!” I thought. “Those have potential!” And now (after a Christmas present from my sister of lots and lots of new magnets), I’ve turned our kitchen cabinets into more displays of cards, photographs, letters, and family love. Awesome!

So it’s all in the way you look at it, really. About finding the silver lining. Joshua and I were talking tonight, and we want to try to do that more often. Even when our lives are in flux, and we don’t know what changes with internships and jobs and such the next few months will bring, and life is scary and uncertain, we’ve decided we want to be better about looking for the silver lining.

Scooter Lessons

So with summer here and winter long gone, we’ve been using a great scooter to get around Provo. Josh figured it was time to teach Paige how to ride, so one sunny day during finals week, Josh taught Paige how to ride the scooter. Paige’s mom was in town (which was really fun!), and she snapped some very professional pictures. Hope you enjoy! (pictures courtesy of melellphotography ;-) Click on an image to see it larger.)