Tag Archives: Josh

Yea for Joshua!

Wait, hasn’t there been a post with this same title before? ;-) Well, he deserves it! Recently we found out about another great step in Josh’s academic career – he got into the Master’s program! Woo hoo! It’s what we’ve been planning on and what he wanted, and (though I nor my parents nor his parents are surprised at all), it’s still nice to know for sure.

To brag on Josh some more, this is the Masters of Information Systems program at BYU – one of the top ten MISM programs in the country. It’s only open to a select number of students, and about half of those who applied got in. Way to go, Josh!

So what does this mean for our future? Well, Josh will start his senior year this fall, and during his senior year he’ll start taking some graduate-level classes. Then next fall (that’s fall of 2011), he’ll officially start the Masters program, which lasts one year. So then, in the spring of 2012, he’ll graduate with a Bachelor’s and a Master’s! Not bad, eh? (Just in time for the end of the world, too!)

Well, we’re both super excited and glad to know where we’ll be the next two years! And to celebrate, I made Josh a cookie cake (because he had never had one!). Usually I don’t think of myself as a very good baker at all, but I was actually pretty proud of this one – well, Josh liked it a lot and said it was delicious, which is what I care about. :-) Oh, and where did I learn my awesome cookie-cake decorating skills? That’s thanks to the summer I worked at the Great American Cookie Company in the mall. Oh, yeah.

Anyway, I’m super proud of Josh, so are we all! And most important, he’s happy and excited. So yay for life!

Josh the Photographer

So just in case any of you didn’t know, Josh is quite the awesome photographer. It’s something he’s been into since high school, and he’s won local and state awards for pictures he’s taken. He’s even had a picture bought by the New Era!

Anyway, I was going through old pictures and put together a random collection of pictures Josh has taken, some recent, some older. So just in case you haven’t seen, check out his work! Yeah, he’s awesome. :-)