Tag Archives: holidays

The Enemy

4th of July Weekend, Part 1

Wow, we’re kind of behind in our blogging…that’s thanks to our transient lifestyle (we moved from that little hotel room into a three-bedroom, three-bath house with a pool to housesit for a very nice family on vacation) and thanks to a busy and fantastic week that Paige spent in Utah for a work conference.

Anyway, almost a month ago now we got to spend a great time with Paige’s family over the Fourth of July. For Part 1 of our adventure, on Friday we flew from the Dallas airport to Albuquerque, where we met up with my family, who were driving on their way from their Colorado road trip in the big white van (affectionately called the Barge). They picked us up and we drove late into the night to Show Low, Arizona, where many years ago Edmund Lovell Ellsworth, a pioneer who crossed the plains, settled with his family. Now the Ellsworth family has a huge family reunion every ten years, and this was the year.

So after sleeping in on Saturday, we spent the day seeing cousins and aunts and uncles and meeting more distant relatives. We played some fun outdoor games with the younger cousins and played a great game of ultimate frisbee with the older cousins and Uncle Keen and Aunt Sunny.

Sadly, we didn’t get to watch fireworks at the end of the day because we were all so wiped out! After the barbecue, we headed back to the hotel, sunburned and tired, and ate watermelon and watched Contact in preparation for Part 2 of the vacation, so stay tuned!

And enjoy some pictures!

Colorado Fun

For Memorial Day weekend, we were looking forward to having the Lymans visit. We were going to hike the Y and visit family and have fun – but sometimes plans change. When Josh’s family found out they couldn’t make it last minute, we found the next best (or probably better) thing: go to them! So we had an awesome weekend in Colorado.

We drove the Rav out (thank you, thank you, thank you, family, for letting us use it!) on Friday night and flew back Monday night. Highlights of the trip?

Friday: Driving, pretty mountain scenery, crashing in a hotel

Saturday: Driving some more, seeing the Lyman family, biking along the Colorado River in Glenwood Springs together, yummy sack lunches, eating ice cream, driving even more, relaxing at home, watching The Village

Sunday: Church with the Lymans, spending time together, playing Scrabble, Heather’s delicious dinner and Dale’s delicious grilled kabobs

Monday: a wonderful Memorial Day family home evening lesson, playing Mario with Chris, introducing Luke to Portal, being introduced to NCIS, shopping with Heather and the boys, eating at Boston’s (one of Josh’s former employers and favorite restaurants), flying home and sitting next to a very nice man and his happy, friendly nine-month-old daughter who we got to play with

Below are some pictures from our adventure biking in Glenwood Springs. Hope you enjoy! And thanks family, for such a wonderful weekend! We loved it!

A New Tradition

So now that we’ve been married over a year, it’s fun because we’re starting to do things together that we’ve already done before. We had our second Christmas together (with Paige’s family this year), we celebrated our second New Year’s (but I don’t think either of us really remember the first because we were both sick and drugged up on Nyquil then), and we had our second Valentines Day.

Last year to celebrate, Josh suggested that we pack a dinner, take out the back seats, and drive somewhere for scenic picnic in the back of the car. This year when we were deciding what to do for Valentines, I said, “I really liked that picnic last year. Why don’t we do it again?” Josh was all for it, so we did. And this time we planned a little more ahead and decided to cook a fancy dinner, French cuisine being the theme. It was fun to cook together and way delicious to eat our meal together (the menu consisted of tomates farcies, an omelette aux asperges, brie cheese, a demi baguette, sparkling cider, and—best part—a delicious French pastry called a millefeuille). So, delicious meal? Absolutely. Were we stuffed afterwards? Better believe it. And new Valentines Day tradition? We think so.

Oh, and after dinner, we headed to our stake’s Valentines Dance, which was a blast. They had an antique photo booth, where we had these fun shots taken. Hope you enjoy!

Say Hey

Music Video Time!

So it was my sister Audrey’s idea this Christmas to make a music video for my mom–apparently she really likes homemade music videos. Christmas day, after Josh and I opened our brand new video camera (our Christmas present to ourselves, yay!), we headed to the park and shot this amazingly awesome music video. Josh filmed it and (with some help from me) edited it, and it was ready to give to my mom the day after Christmas. After we had all enjoyed a tasty banquet of homemade sushi, my sister Brenn dropped in, “You know what would go great with this meal? A music video.” To which my mom oh-so-perfectly replied: “Speaking of, you guys should make me one!” We presented her with the DVD right then and there, and Mom loved it. Josh and I had a lot of fun making this video with my sisters, so enjoy!

“Say Hey” Ellsworth Sisters Music Video from Joshua Lyman on Vimeo.