Tag Archives: hobbies

Fake Food Rocks

Does anyone else besides me think that fake food is just really, really cool? When I was a little kid, I liked playing with fake food – with the kitchen sets and grocery carts and especially the hamburgers, the ones you could piece together with the separate bun, patty, lettuce, pickle, and tomato pieces.

When I was a little bit older but still a kid, we moved a lot and Mom took me and my sisters to look at model homes a lot. My absolute favorite part about looking at model homes was seeing the fake food in the kitchen – the fake fruit (especially the grapes), the baguettes, the rolls.

Josh bought me a set of play food for Christmas a year ago (all my sisters thought we were having a baby – nope, it was just for me). And a little bit ago I was browsing some fake food web sites, and I came across these. Wow. How awesome are they? I decided that if I didn’t already work for the most awesome company in the world, my dream job would be working for one of these companies and making fake food. (My other dream job would be working for the I Spy guy and helping him create awesome dioramas to photograph.)

So anyway, the main purpose of this post is for me to have a list of some pretty sweet fake food sites. But, hey, now you know one of my weird quirky likes.

Fake Food Companies

Josh the Photographer

So just in case any of you didn’t know, Josh is quite the awesome photographer. It’s something he’s been into since high school, and he’s won local and state awards for pictures he’s taken. He’s even had a picture bought by the New Era!

Anyway, I was going through old pictures and put together a random collection of pictures Josh has taken, some recent, some older. So just in case you haven’t seen, check out his work! Yeah, he’s awesome. :-)

Nothing like risking life and limb to get that laundry pressed.

New Favorite Extreme Sport

So Josh and I were wasting time online while studying for finals, and we somehow came across this awesome sport: extreme ironing. Oh wow, what a sport. Extreme environmental conditions? Check. Daredevil antics? Check. Life-threatening situations? Check. Iron and ironing board? Check. What better recipe could you have for an extreme sport that is incredibly awesome yet also domestic? Anyway, we got a kick out of the photos and hope you do, too. Oh, and we’re totally going to go extreme ironing on a date sometime.