Tag Archives: fall

Fall colors and family pictures

We love the fall! It’s such a pretty time of year. Each year when the trees start to change colors on the mountains, we think, “Oh, we’ll have to go up and take pictures!” But then it seems like a week goes by and we’re too busy and before we know it, all the leaves are gone. This year we were a little more on the ball and made it up the canyon to take some pictures one evening. So pretty! It was fun, too, to take Carson and feel like we were our own little family on our own family outing. I’m not sure if we got more pictures of the trees or of Carson, but either way we (meaning mostly Josh) got some beautiful ones. :)

October Update

Here’s a little bit of what’s been going on in our lives lately.

First, we really enjoyed General Conference weekend. We loved hearing the speakers and uplifting messages, and on top of all that we got to see family, introduce Carson to Grandpa Lyman, uncles Chris, Zach, and Luke, great-grandparents Lyman, and some other cousins and aunts and uncles, too. And we blessed Carson. It was a great weekend.

Carson with Dad the morning before his blessing. He was happier when the blessing happened, promise.

Then the next weekend, Grandma Ellsworth came to visit. Carson had a fun time seeing his grandma again, who kept trying to give him toys and get him to play (Grandma can’t wait to play).

We had a big dinner Sunday night with Grandma and my sisters and some friends. Ah, sisters. Love them. :)

While Grandma was visiting, we took Carson to his first restaurant: the BYU Creamery. Ah, such a Provo baby. Josh tried to feed him ice cream. Not yet, Josh. ;-)

Oh, and it snowed for the first time not too long ago! Just in the mountains. See? The weather’s gotten nice again, but it’s fun to feel fall on the way.

And then there’s just the normal but oh-so-amazing moments that happen every day with Carson.

We love all the cute faces, the new sounds. Oh, and Carson’s rolling over! He flipped from his stomach to his back one day and has done it several times since. Still trying to master it, though. :) We never could have guessed how amazing it is to just watch your brand new baby do the smallest things, like flipping over. We just think he’s the greatest. :) And we’ll post a video soon!

Catching Up

Hello! And welcome to fall! Time sure seems to move fast this time of year, huh? Well, let me esplain…no, there is to much. Let me sum up. (Name that movie!) Anyway, life has been just dandy. Josh is staying busy with school, I’m staying happy with work, and we’re enjoying life. Recent highlights have been having our siblings Caleb and Brenn over for Sunday dinners, spending time with friends and family, General Conference, one awesome camping trip, watching fun movies, and enjoying the fall weather.

Here are some random and (pretty) recent pictures…hope you enjoy!

On our way back from Dallas, we visited the Lymans in Denver. Here’s a picture (taken by young photographer Luke) of their cat named Cow (isn’t it great that they have a cat named Cow?)

My birthday was in September. Josh is so great; he made me a cake and, even better…

…took me on a delicious birthday picnic feast…can you guess my favorite restaurant of all time?

We went rock climbing with Caleb, Josh’s brother. Josh and Caleb are both way into rock climbing (and way good), and it was fun. I, scardey cat that I am, only got about five feet off the ground, but baby steps, right?

Here’s some of Caleb, too:

We’ve enjoyed playing this awesome game called Qwirkle (one of my birthday presents):

We spent General Conference weekend with Josh’s family and took some good family pictures (more to follow).

And, finally, a nice picture Josh took showing how pretty the mountains have looked lately:

Hope you’re enjoying life too!