Tag Archives: dinner

Easter 2012

Easter was really wonderful this year. We tried to keep the holiday really focused on the Savior, and we felt really enriched as a result. On Saturday we ate a Jerusalem-themed dinner to remind us of the Savior and the type of food he would have eaten (fish, flatbread, lentil soup, nuts, grapes). And we also had short devotionals throughout the week, during which we watched some of the new Bible videos the Church has created.

Today we had Sam, Caleb, Audrey, and Brenn over for a magnificent Easter dinner. It was so good to see you guys! Thanks for coming and spending time with us. We even hid Easter eggs for the sibs (I think they mostly enjoyed it, even though we hid like 40 eggs but only 4 had candy in them, haha). After dinner we ate ice cream and cookies on the porch (beautiful weather today!) and even took some family photos.

Also, on Saturday we gave Carson his Easter basket, which he enjoyed for a few minutes before going off to explore the house like he usually does. ;) But he did really like it, and it was a lot of fun to watch his excitement. All in all, a wonderful, spiritual Easter, and we hope you were all able to remember all the Savior has done for us and the wonderful blessing of his Atonement and Resurrection.

Valentine’s Day Date

This year we kept with our new Valentine’s Day tradition of making a fancy meal and eating it together on a picnic in the back of the car. If you’re observant and noticed that we skipped a year, it’s because last year I was pregnant and dealing with morning sickness and some huge work project deadlines, so sadly neither Josh nor I can quite remember what we did for Valentine’s Day. Not cook a fancy dinner and take it on a picnic, we know that much.

Anyway, this year we were better. We really liked the French-themed meal we made two years ago, so we decided to do it again with some new recipes: gratin des aubergines, des haricots provençales, and tapénade on a baguette. Yum yum! Our favorite was the gratin des aubergines (an eggplant gratin dish). With sparkling cider and chocolate covered strawberries to top it off, the meal was delicious!

Audrey and Brenn came over and babysat Carson in the basement while Josh and I cooked, and then we were able to leave to a scenic overlook and eat our picnic in the car. The weather was even so nice that we left the back open. We loved getting to spend so much time together, just us, doing something fun. It was a wonderful, fun, tasty Valentine’s Day date. :)

Carson’s fussy night

Carson is fascinated with the red box that holds his wipes. We had to move it from the changing table so it’s not in his line of vision; otherwise he keeps twisting to grab for it. He’s also fascinated by the backs of our kitchen chairs. He loves to grab them when we hold him at the dinner table.

One night Carson was particularly fussy and I was making dinner, so guess what he got to play with?

It worked, at least for a little bit. Yay for creative solutions.

October Update

Here’s a little bit of what’s been going on in our lives lately.

First, we really enjoyed General Conference weekend. We loved hearing the speakers and uplifting messages, and on top of all that we got to see family, introduce Carson to Grandpa Lyman, uncles Chris, Zach, and Luke, great-grandparents Lyman, and some other cousins and aunts and uncles, too. And we blessed Carson. It was a great weekend.

Carson with Dad the morning before his blessing. He was happier when the blessing happened, promise.

Then the next weekend, Grandma Ellsworth came to visit. Carson had a fun time seeing his grandma again, who kept trying to give him toys and get him to play (Grandma can’t wait to play).

We had a big dinner Sunday night with Grandma and my sisters and some friends. Ah, sisters. Love them. :)

While Grandma was visiting, we took Carson to his first restaurant: the BYU Creamery. Ah, such a Provo baby. Josh tried to feed him ice cream. Not yet, Josh. ;-)

Oh, and it snowed for the first time not too long ago! Just in the mountains. See? The weather’s gotten nice again, but it’s fun to feel fall on the way.

And then there’s just the normal but oh-so-amazing moments that happen every day with Carson.

We love all the cute faces, the new sounds. Oh, and Carson’s rolling over! He flipped from his stomach to his back one day and has done it several times since. Still trying to master it, though. :) We never could have guessed how amazing it is to just watch your brand new baby do the smallest things, like flipping over. We just think he’s the greatest. :) And we’ll post a video soon!