Tag Archives: date

Look Up! A Photo Adventure

We went on a real fun date this week; it was Josh’s idea. He said he was walking around campus and started looking up and noticed how many amazing things there are to see if you just look up. So we grabbed our cameras and headed to campus to look up and take some pictures. It was fun; you really do notice so many more things if you just look up. There were all sorts of ceilings and trees and things I had never noticed, and I went to BYU for four years! (But now I’m not, of course, because I’m graduated.) ;-)

Anyway, we hope you enjoy our pictures! Don’t forget to look up every once in a while!

Macro and Motion

So tonight was date night, and we decided we wanted to get out of the house, so we grabbed our cameras and walked around downtown Provo taking pictures. We gave ourselves an assignment in the beginning: macro shots and motion shots. We don’t know how well we stuck to our assignment, but here are our pics! We like them. And we like our oh-so-artistic-but-not-so-serious titles and descriptions, too. Enjoy!