Tag Archives: baby

35 Weeks

So getting close now! 35 weeks, with just 5 weeks to go. I’m getting bigger…

Yep, look at that baby grow! (I probably should have picked a different shirt to take these pregnancy pictures in, but oh well.) Notice my finger has swollen out of my wedding ring; sad, huh?

I’m still feeling, overall, pretty good! Well, pretty big and more and more uncomfortable, truthfully. It’s harder to move, walk, sit, sleep…but I’m surviving. Also, I lucked out with a maternity clothes sale at the Gap, and I found an on-sale maternity swimsuit, so clothes-wise, things have been great! And swimming (aka, standing/sitting in a pool) feels so good when you’re 9 months pregnant. Especially in the summer.

Baby preparations are going well. We’ve had some really wonderful baby showers from family and coworkers (thank you, everyone!) and we’re collecting things for the baby’s room (my favorite of which are baby books). We’re shopping around for a few more essentials…like a car seat. But that’s next on the list. I’ll have to post pictures of the baby’s room soon.

And the baby himself is doing great! At my last appointment, the doctor said he weighed almost 6 pounds and his head was down. The baby moves a lot still, though I can tell he’s getting cramped as he kicks less and squrims and stretches more. And Josh and I have started to notice that he gets the hiccups. It’s still all fun to feel and watch. :)

31 Weeks

I’ve made it to month 8! Now I’m 31 weeks pregnant and here’s how I look:

And I’m still feeling pretty good! I’ve heard horror stories about being pregnant in the summer, but so far it hasn’t been bad at all. That’s probably because we’ve had a nice, wet, cold spring, and I have yet to make it to the hottest part of summer or pregnancy, but no complaints from me about the weather so far.

I am starting to feel ever more big and ever more uncomfortable… yesterday I tried to do a good Saturday cleaning like I’ve always done, but I completely ran out of steam halfway through. Too much bending over, I guess! Josh had to step in and finish the kitchen floor.

The baby is doing great, and it’s so fun to feel him kick…well, most of the time. Sometimes he likes to kind of camp up by my ribs, and that’s not so comfortable. But still, I feel like I could just stare at my belly popping all day long, and it would never get boring. :)

27 Weeks

Here I am, at 27 weeks! That means I’m approximately in the seventh month and third and final trimester of pregnancy! Yay! And here’s how I look:

And I’m feeling great! The baby is kicking (and rolling and moving) more and more, which never ceases to make me and Josh smile. I feel like I’m hungry all the time and eat small meals throughout the day. Sleeping at night is a little uncomfortable, but not too bad at all. Perhaps the hardest part of pregnancy so far has been figuring out where to buy good (not too expensive) maternity clothes! Ross is definitely my favorite. So if you have any recommendations, please share!

We have the crib set up in the baby’s room now, and it looks so cute! We’ll post some pictures soon. Things are going well and we’re getting excited!

23 Weeks

I’ve been a really bad blogger lately – I have no excuse. But my friend just showed me her blog from when she was pregnant, and I realized I’m missing out on documenting a big part of my life – and our future baby’s. :) So here we go: finally, some pregnancy pictures:

First, an old picture. This is me at 18 weeks, just before the halfway mark and before we found out that the baby was a boy. And now for a more recent picture…

This is me last week, at 22 weeks. As you can see, little bud (as we’ve been calling him) has been growing! And moving, too. At first when he started to move, it was almost hard to recognize – it felt like flutters or butterflies. But now I can feel him kicking more often, and Josh has even felt it with his hand. That’s definitely my favorite part about pregnancy so far: feeling the baby kick. :) For some reason I tend to notice it more on Sundays, probably just because I’m sitting calmly and less occupied for several hours. Or, as Josh said, because our baby’s just spiritual. Or, more likely, that he just likes to act up on Sundays…which I hope won’t continue into his childhoood…

And I’m feeling great, too. Morning sickness, though mild, for me lasted beyond the first trimester – actually about to 20 weeks, I think, but now it’s gone away for good, and that’s a relief. I’m also feeling energized and, unlike early on, my appetite is back and it’s bigger. :) I am getting used to moving around with a bigger belly – like, did anyone else feel like they were spilling and splashing on themselves all the time?

So that’s life! Watch for more updates soon!