Tag Archives: baby

First look at Carson’s new baby brother or sister

Yep, that’s right, Lyman Baby 2 is on the way! We had the first ultrasound just this morning. The quality of the ultrasound must have been better than with Carson, because Josh and I were amazed at how much we could see! Legs, arms, nose, even fingers and toes! Here’s our new baby waving hello to the world. Can you see the hand?


The due date is April 6, 2013, which puts me at right about 12.5 weeks. All is well and we’re so excited for the future!

Carson’s fussy night

Carson is fascinated with the red box that holds his wipes. We had to move it from the changing table so it’s not in his line of vision; otherwise he keeps twisting to grab for it. He’s also fascinated by the backs of our kitchen chairs. He loves to grab them when we hold him at the dinner table.

One night Carson was particularly fussy and I was making dinner, so guess what he got to play with?

It worked, at least for a little bit. Yay for creative solutions.


Carson is wonderful! Josh and I love him so much and we can’t imagine life without him. Of course, he’s the cutest baby we’ve ever seen and we could just stare at the cute faces he makes all day. He’s a really good baby too and doesn’t cry too much (thanks, Carson!). Anyway, what you probably want to see most are pictures, so here we go! (Most pictures courtesy of my mom. It really comes in handy, having a mom who led a former life as a professional photographer. Most photographed grandbaby ever? I think so.)

Welcome, Carson!

Our baby boy is here! Carson Joshua Lyman was born August 11 at 11:38 am (that’s 8/11/11 at 11:38 – cool, huh?). He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and measured 20 inches long. We’re so proud of our healthy, happy baby! He’s an angel, and we feel so blessed to have him as part of our family.

Welcome, Carson!