Category Archives: Big Events

Life changes, moves, additions to the family, etc… Check here for all of the big events that happen to us!


Here are just a few pictures from moving. Not a ton; we were pretty busy packing, loading, finding a house, and being a little stressed through all this. But it was fun, too. Not so fun that we want to move again anytime soon, but perhaps someday…

Carson’s moving week injury. Josh and I were busy packing and not watching as he tried to pull himself up to stand next to an empty bookcase. One of the shelves came down and hit his face. :( Poor guy.

All our stuff…remembering back, now, it was kind of a fun adventurous week, with all of our stuff in a big pile, lots of boxes, eating Brick Oven pizza on the floor of our living room after we loaded the truck…good times. One of the best parts was spending so much time together as a family (and couple) as we worked.

Turns out moving week is pretty fun for kids (at least Carson). Who doesn’t love all those boxes?

This is the morning before we left, the morning we loaded the trailer.

…and this is how we kept Carson occupied while we loaded the trailer. Snacks are just wonderful sometimes, aren’t they?

The week before we left, we got to visit Josh’s grandparents one last time. It was so great to see them; we miss you Grandma and Grandpa!

For Carson, moving in week was maybe even more fun than moving out. Empty boxes are the best!

It was hard on Carson a little bit too, of course. (Hard on all of us.) I think he did go through some anxiety in getting used to a new place, getting over the long drive (that was hard on him), and seeing lots of new people. But now that we’ve been here almost three months (wow, time flies!) we’re all settling in so well and really liking it more and more here. More posts on our new life in Colorado to follow!

We got iPhones

And I’ve decided the new iPhones are responsible for the lack of posts lately.

See, now that Josh and I have iPhones, we use them as our cameras. And we just haven’t emptied our phones and put the pictures on a computer yet, so I don’t have access to pictures to blog about. Oh, and we’re trying to sort out computer stuff and set up a family computer so we can have all of our pictures in one location, but we haven’t gotten around to that either. But we’ve been taking lots of awesome photos over the past few months, don’t you worry.

For now, as far as pictures go, the only thing I’ve got are these pictures from Carson’s 9 month photo shoot during our stay in Texas (thanks, Mom!). But these pictures are so adorable, you shouldn’t need anything else. ;-)

As far as updates, life is good! Josh and I have felt all grown up lately, leaving BYU and getting a real job and moving and all. It’s exciting, but admittedly kind of weird sometimes. But yes, we’re doing all kinds of grown-up things like moving into a bigger house (in a nice neighborhood, though 15 minutes from just about everywhere), buying a second car (with no good public transportation options for Josh and our house 15 minutes from just about everywhere, a second car became a necessity), and even having the missionaries over to dinner (being called “Sister Lyman” by the missionaries probably feel the most grown up of all).

Carson’s been doing his fair share of growing up, too! This week I cleaned through his toys for the first time, packing away all the baby toys he’s no longer interested in. Aw, growing up! He loves exploring the house, climbing up and down stairs, and walking – with assistance. He’s not quite walking on his own yet. He’s still eating really well, and his latest favorite food is toast. He loooves it and once he sees toast, he won’t eat anything else (even his old favorites, like bananas) until the toast is completely gone.

We can’t believe Carson will be 1 in August! This past year has been amazing and incredible; we’ve been so blessed to have Carson join our family, and we’ve been blessed in numerous other ways, too.

Well, there’s a small update, but this week my goal is to get the iPhone pictures onto a computer somehow, and then I’ll have no excuse reason not to blog. ;-)

Graduation, moving, new jobs, family visits, and other big adventures

NOTE: This post has been a draft for a few weeks, so it’s a little outdated. I was waiting until I could get the pictures the right way, but I still haven’t figured out and I guess something’s better than nothing, right? So sorry for the big lack of updates, the out-of-date post, and the sideways pictures. Hope you love us anyway!

Sorry for falling behind in the posts! Life has been busy. Isn’t it always? But really, life lately has been more-than-normally busy with some pretty big events: graduation, moving out, finding a house, moving in, and travel.

Josh graduated in April with a bachelor’s and a master’s in Information Systems at BYU. And did I mention that he was the Masters of Information Systems student of the year? :) Seriously, Josh is an amazing student. He’s always loved learning and been a really good self-learner (something I really admire about him). He worked really hard his whole time at BYU, got great grades, impressed his professors, and graduated with two great degrees. And – even more impressive – a great job! Josh is now working for a company called Pariveda Solutions, at their Denver office. It’s a great company that we’re excited to be part of. And it’s the same company Josh interned for two summers ago.

So after graduation, we had about a week to pack up our house. My mom had helped us start when she was in town for graduation, but Josh and I had the bulk of it to do ourselves. But we’re both pretty organized people. I like making lists and planning in advance. We wrote down each packing task we had to do on our wipe-off board and divided them up into days, then checked things off as we got them done. We even were a day ahead of schedule. But, holy cow, moving kicked my trash! It was hard! Actually getting out of Provo and taking care of all the last-minute things (sooo glad we loaded the truck a day early) was rough. And not just the packing and the loading, but the long long drive and the unloading and moving in…that’s a lot of work! Here’s some things I learned from moving:

  • Ask for help! I wish we had had more help, especially with packing (and mostly babysitting Carson). (Thank you, thank you to Caleb, Sam, Zach, Luke, Heather, Melanie, and everyone else who did help!) Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help…I never want to be the one who has to ask. I never want to inconvenience anyone. Why is it that we’re so reluctant to ask for help sometimes?
  • We took our time loading. Sam and Caleb came over and helped load the van like a game of Tetris. It was great. I wish we had taken as much time and brainpower to unload, though. We were so eager to get everything out of the truck and into the house. And we were working against a deadline. It’s not like we dumped everything into the front room – we put a little thought into it – but I just wish Josh and I would have decided more in advance where we wanted everything to go. But maybe a little reorganization as you move in is unavoidable?
  • Be sure to take care of myself physically and spiritually during a move. It’s easy to pull late nights, eat too much fast food, and overdo it with lifting stuff when you move. But especially with a little one to take care of, I think I overdid it. Josh, Carson, and I all got colds after the big move.
What’s your moving advice? Since we’re just renting, it’s pretty much a guarantee that our family will be moving someday in the future (though let’s really just not think about that right now). How do you make moves go smoother, especially with young kids?
Well, after we drove to Josh’s parents’ house in Denver, we stayed with them for a few days while we looked for a rental house. We received lots of blessings and felt very grateful to find an amazing little house that we were able to move into in just a few days. We love it! More pictures and descriptions to come later.

After a week of unpacking, moving in, and (thank goodness) a little bit of relaxation, we all flew to Texas – Josh to Dallas, where Pariveda’s headquarters are located, for a two-week work training; and me and Carson to Houston to stay with my family.

This past weekend was halfway through the two week training, and Josh was able to come down to Houston to see us, yay! It was a  blast. Now Josh is back in Dallas and Carson and I are still here and grandma and grandpa’s, but on Friday we’ll all fly back to our new home together. I miss Josh a lot, but Carson and I are having a very fun and relaxing time here.

So that’s our big catch-up post on life! I’ll try to post more pictures soon, but here’s a little bit of everything that’s happened lately. (Click a picture to see the caption.) Hope you’re all doing well!

Carson is six months old!

Carson turned six months old on Saturday! Yay! At his six-month check up we found out he’s doing awesome. He’s right about at the 50th percentile for everything. We also introduced him to rice cereal, but he wasn’t such a fan. He took one spoonful each time we tried, but then made a face and wouldn’t take any more, or would spit it out if we snuck some in. I guess we’ll try something else. :)

He can also sit up on his own, and still lots of rolling and more and more scooting, twisting, and wiggling. He also gets up on his knees fairly often, especially when he gets up from a nap, because he sleeps on his tummy with his bum in the air. He’s just barely started rocking a little tiny bit on his knees, but after a second he’ll spread out all flat again or roll over or push up on his feet (think downward facing dog). Well, whenever crawling gets here, we’re excited! On the list this week is to start baby-proofing the house. It’s about time!

Here’s some pictures of the cute little guy we love so much. Happy six months, Carson!